Saturday, April 21, 2012

Colton's Playhouse

Today was a beautiful day to play outside and enjoy the surroundings.  Colton went to play in his playhouse and I followed him around with my camera.  He loves to be outside doing anything.  He had fun just climbing around in his playhouse and hiding from me.
He's at the age he loves to play hide and seek, but I didn't want to go crawling around in his playhouse, so I would just try to find him outside the playhouse while he was on the balcony.
Once in a while he would peek out at me through one of the windows and I would have to hurry and snap a picture.  He is a funny boy and I do mean funny.  He keeps me laughing that is for sure.  He kept peeking out at me through this window and every time I would bring my camera up to take a picture, he would squat down and hide and just cackle with his little laugh.  Finally I snapped this picture when his head popped up.
This next picture he has a play phone in his hand and he looks like he's in deep thought.  Sometimes I wonder what that little mind of his is thinking about.  Don't you wish you could just read their mind at times?  I do.  Kids are such intelligent "little people" and they catch on and learn things so fast.  Oh my just to have a mind of a kid again, what I would give to learn things that fast and retain them!!

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