Monday, April 9, 2012

Our Easter

Easter turned out to be a really good day for us.  Barry and I got up Sunday morning and went to go pick up our little man from Nana's house.  He had spent the night with her. When we arrived home, he saw his Easter basket sitting on the floor.  He sat down beside it and started looking at everything.

He pulled out his Spiderman glider and wanted that opened first of all.  Next he looked at his CARS stickers and Spiderman Activity Book, but then immediately put those down when he noticed the Play-Doh kit.  Who cared about his candy and what was in his Easter eggs.  Play-Doh was now first on his list of things to do.  He couldn't even wait for breakfast, he was ready to tear that open and start playing right away.  While Barry opened that for him so he could play, I began fixing breakfast.  This boy just loves Play-Doh, so we were a hit as parents on this purchase!
I made eggs, bacon, waffles, hash browns and biscuits.  When we sat down to finally eat the breakfast I had prepared for us, Colton was ready to say the blessing loud and proud!  I love his prayer at the kitchen table, it's just short and sweet, but adorable.  It goes like this, "GOD IS GREAT, GOD IS GOOD, THANK YOU JESUS, FOR OUR FOOD.  AMEN!"  I'm so thankful that we have planted prayer in his little heart to always thank the Lord for what we have.  He supplies all of our needs and watches over us.  We had a great morning all being together gathered around the kitchen table sharing our week and just enjoying each other.

Next, we got ready for church and headed out.   We had a really good church service and then afterwards we headed to Nana's house for lunch.  Nana had bought the boys some light up cars, so Colton was playing with that most of the afternoon.............until nap time!  We had a really good Easter and now looking forward to our long awaited trip to Silver Dollar City later this week if the weather permits us to go.  We can't wait.

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