Monday, July 30, 2012

First Time Riding the New Bike Outside

It has been so blazing hot that Barry and I didn't get a chance to take Colton outside this weekend to try out his new bike.  He's been riding the bike in the living room, through the hallway and around the kitchen table.  Let me tell you, that got old fast.  However, we finally decided tonight would be the night to take it outside and let him ride.  We wanted it to be we waited until around 7PM to go out and it was a whopping 91 degrees!  Anyways, I'm so glad we did.  He had a blast!

He did so good on it, thank God for training wheels..........what in the world do parents do without them when their little ones are just learning to ride a bike?  I'll have to say, that was a great invention.  He had a rough time pedaling up the incline of our driveway, so we pushed him, but going down the hill, he took off........thank goodness he learned fast how to brake!  I'm so glad we bought him this bike for his birthday, it was a great purchase!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Birthday Bike

I thought this was a good year to finally get Colton a bike for his birthday.  I wanted to get him one when he would truly be able to enjoy it and get a lot of use out of it.  I figured this was the year to do just that.  I looked around for bikes on-line and started reading their reviews.  The one I finally chose was the Huffy Disney Cars 16" bike and it was available at Wal-Mart.
Colton really loves it.  Tomorrow we are planning to set up an obstacle course using the orange cones that came with the bike.  I think he'll find that entertaining with trying to keep the bike in line and not drive over the cones and smash them..............or maybe we'll (Barry and I) find it entertaining. 

Isn't this cute?  He looks like such a big boy on this bike.

Colton's Birthday Party

Today we had Colton's Birthday Party at Chuck E Cheese and invited all of his friends.  I had to get his picture before the party started.

Once everyone arrived and the kids received their tokens, it was time to run around playing games.
We were called back to the party table to calm down and enjoy some pizza.
Next Chuck E Cheese came out to greet the kids and place the crown on Colton..........
It was then time for the Birthday cake.......and for Colton to blow out his candles..........what a face.......ADORABLE!!!!  He is blowing out those candles with all of his might............

Once we finished the cake and ice cream, I took some pictures of our guests.............
Gabe, Ashley and Noah
Dan.......(he apparently thought he could hide from me.)........NOT!
Emma, Steve, Donna and Catie
Amanda and Jason
.............then it was time Colton to enter the ticket blaster..........
Colton waiting for the ticket blaster to turn on...............
Colton trying his best to grab's not very easy.........
He grabbed as many as he could(which wasn't much), so our hostess was nice enough to throw in some extra tickets for him.

When we went back to the party table, Colton opened his presents.  Then after that, the kids were finally able to play some more..............and even the BIG kids played with the little ones too...........

Colton had an awesome time today and I hope all the others did too!  I'm so glad we chose to have his 4th Birthday Party at Chuck E Cheese!!!!!  What a great day!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Colton Just Relaxing on His Birthday.........

Colton's birthday was yesterday, July 23rd.  He turned the big 4 years old.  We went over to my best friend's house for dinner and then play time for the kids.  Colton and Katie had a good time playing together, as they always do.  Even though they pick at each other or end up fussing over the same toy; they always look forward to the next time when they're able to get together again.  They are kids!

Later in the evening it was time to head to our house.  Once we arrived back home, Colton immediately asked to watch a movie.  Of course I let him choose one and he ended up picking "Bolt" for us to watch.  I couldn't complain because at least it wasn't the same one we've been watching for the past two weeks.

I placed the movie in the dvd and sat down to enjoy the movie with Colton.  I got bored so I started playing with the laptop.  I looked up and noticed him looking so peaceful and content, just laying down relaxing on the couch with his potato chips while watching one of his movies.  I could NOT pass up this picture on his Birthday, so I went to get my camera without him noticing.  This one was definitely a keeper.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Barry's Layered Dip

I wanted to share this dip that Barry introduced me to.  He said his mom used to make this when their extended family used to get together to watch football games.  He loved it so much that he started  making it ever since.  When we were first dating, he made it for me at our very first Christmas dinner together.  He was just trying to make a great impression (I'm sure of it).  I really enjoyed it, plus it's simple and I really like simple!  I finally started making to for him during the Superbowl each year.  I figured why not share it with you all too?  Hope you enjoy it.

Barry's Layered Dip

1 can of Fritos bean dip
1 (8 oz) block of cream cheese
1 (12-15 oz) bottle of thick and chunky mild Pace picante
1 can of black olives
1 (8 oz) bag of shredded cheese, your choice

Mix the bean dip and cream cheese very well and layer it on the bottom of a 9 inch round glass dish.  Next, chop the black olives into small pieces and layer those on top of the bean mixture.  Evenly distribute the mild picante for the next layer.  Last, evenly spread the shredded cheese on top.  Place plastic wrap over the dish and place it in the fridge for at least 2 hours to chill.  Serve with chips and enjoy!

Jen's Simple Tasty Taco Sour Cream Dip

Saturday evening, I was craving some kind of a taco sour cream dip that was fast and easy to make before I started back on my diet this week.  I didn't have a lot of ingredients, so I went looking to see what I had in my fridge and cabinet.  I found a package of taco seasoning and a 16 oz container of sour cream.  I decided why not mix them together and see what it tastes like...........when I did, I satisfied my craving.  I dipped tortillas in it and thought it was really tasty.

Jen's Simple Tasty Taco Sour Cream Dip

1 (16 oz) container of sour cream
1 package of taco seasoning

Mix the two ingredients together and enjoy.  You could serve this dip with chips or veggies.  To make it lower in calorie, use a light sour cream dip.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Our Day at Jumpin Joeys

Angel and I thought it would be a good idea to take Colton and Katie to Jumpin Joeys today.  They have several different types of inflatables to jump and slide down.  They even had one that was an obstacle course; it reminded me of a child version of WIPEOUT except no water was involved.
They had several different inflatables for the kids to jump on and they really enjoyed themselves.......
Colton really liked the basketball goal inflatable where you were able to actually shoot a basketball into a basketball hoop inside the inflatable...................and then climb and slide down.
They ran and jumped and ran and jumped and ran and jumped...............
They really had fun though with the biggest slide of all.........................
Colton would even wait in anticipation for Katie to come down the huge slide...................
They really did have a lot of fun.............just climbing and sliding over and over again...........
Finally, they did wear down........................................ that was our sign that it was definitely time to leave.  Besides.................we parents were really getting HUNGRY!