Saturday, February 4, 2012

Optim Pwime


Last night, Colton (a.k.a. my little guy), asked me if he could watch the "wobots movie" when we got home.  OK, wait a minute.....................let me start over....................EVERY night for the past three and a half weeks, my little guy has asked if he could watch the "wobots movie" when we've gotten home.

So, now you ask................what is the "wobots movie" I right?

The "wobots movie" is..........Transformers.  Yes, you heard me right the first time, Transformers.  He absolutely loves the Transformers movie.  I'm sure most everyone has seen the movie, it's been out for years now.  If you have children, have they seen it?  Are they as addicted to it as mine?

It all started when Stuart (a.k.a. bubba) and Sydney (a.k.a. sissy) first introduced him to the movie when they were down visiting around a month ago, he loved it.  He loved it so much, that now he's hooked!  That's all he wants to watch.  I'm not exaggerating either, he honestly wants to watch that movie ALL THE TIME.

I can't seem to keep his mind off that movie.  Barry takes him in the garage because he loves being in the "man cave" with his dad looking at tools.  That doesn't work.  I try to get him to build blocks with the Legos, that doesn't work.  Barry wrestles with him in the living room floor.  That doesn't work.  We play with the play-doh that his Aunt Stephanie bought him for Christmas.  That doesn't work.  Don't get me wrong, he goes to the garage with his dad, he plays building blocks with me, he wrestles with his daddy in the floor, he plays with his play-doh, but after all of the fun is over and he is done, he asks, "Weady to watch Optim Pwime now?"  Oh my goodness, the attention span of a three year old!

His favorite character that he talks about non-stop is "Optim Pwime" really known as Optimus Prime on the movie.  He is the leader of the Transformers.  I like him too because of that awesome deep, deep voice.  However, I'm still trying to figure out why"Optim Pwime" is my little guy's favorite and not Bumblebee.  I mean come on, wouldn't you think Bumblebee would be the coolest to a three year old boy?  He's yellow and black and a cool Camaro!  Well think again, the coolest to my little guy is "Optim Pwime".

I guess it has to be his favorite because he is so infatuated with semi trucks.  He loves that blue and red semi.  Anytime we see a semi as we're driving down the road, he says, "Look mama, it's a big twuck like Optim Pwime."  If I accidentally don't see it in passing, then he says so sweetly, "Sowwy, you missed it."  I love that little voice, I love this age, I could just squeeze his little face sometimes because I love him so much, I want to freeze time and live here in this moment for the rest of our lives.  Only if that were possible!!!!

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