Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Just wanted to tell everyone HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY today!  I don't feel like Valentine's Day is just for couples.  To me, this is a special day set aside to tell ALL the special people in your life that you love them.  Sometimes we forget to tell our family and friends that we do in fact love and appreciate them.  It's just so easy to forget that sometimes, but if you share that with them, I know it will change their day.

So, let's tell EVERYONE we love and appreciate, that we do love and appreciate them!  Let them know that they are your Valentine!  I would like to tell my mom especially that I love and appreciate her.  I don't seem to do that very often, I tend to forget to tell her those special words, but she needs to know that.  She has always been there for me when I needed someone, no matter what I was going through, she was there.  Thank you for that mom, I LOVE YOU!  To all of you that are reading my blog, THANK YOU and I APPRECIATE your loyal reading support!!!!! 

For couples that can't afford roses, flowers, a big fancy dinner or a present of some kind.........I would like to recommend a few movies for you to watch tonight on this Valentine's Day evening.  One of my favorite movies to watch is The Notebook, another is The Wedding Date and the last one is My Big Fat Greek Wedding.  I believe those are all good love stories, so I hope you enjoy one of them tonight!  HAVE A GREAT HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY EVERYONE!  Enjoy this time with your loved ones!

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