Sunday, February 19, 2012

Taking Advantage Of A Gorgeous Day Outside

Today, Colton wanted to go outside this afternoon and ride his gator.  It was so beautiful, so I agreed.  This weather has been unbelievable this winter.  I can only imagine though what this Spring and Summer has in store for us.  Since it really hasn't gotten cold enough to kill off the flies and mosquitoes and other pests, I know we will be eaten alive.  I'm afraid we're going to have a rough time this next season.  YUCK!  I'm just trying to take advantage of the weather we have right now and live in the moment. 

Overall, we had a fun day playing outside.  He had a blast riding on his gator and I just enjoyed sitting on the front porch swing watching him.  It's so relaxing to be outside in the sunshine and just watch your child laugh, scream and play because they enjoy being outside so much.  He makes some of the funniest faces and I love to catch it in a picture.  I know he'll get a kick out of it later on when he grows up and looks back on some of the silly faces he used to make.  Aren't kids just funny little people?  They are hilarious!

This is my silly boy making a funny face, I could just kiss this little onry face all over!!!!

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