Monday, February 13, 2012

Look Ma Ma ........SNOW!

This morning we awoke to snow!  Colton was so excited, he kept begging me to go outside and play in the snow.  He kept saying, "Look ma ma, dares snow."  He was just looking at me like DUH, don't you see there is snow outside..........we have to go play in it!  Hello?

 Man was it ever cold.  I told him if we go outside, we have to bundle up really good because otherwise, we will freeze our rear ends off.  He kept insisting, "I not will fweeze my wer end off!"  I had to give in, when he says he "not will", that just cracks me up so much.  So yes, I caved, we got all bundled up and went outside to brave the COLD weather and I'm not exaggerating, it was COLD!

We stepped outside and the cold breeze about took my breath away.  I told Colton, you better hurry and play fast, because we aren't staying outside very long.  So run and play in the snow while you can.  He did.  He started running in the snow and screaming.  He was so excited to be outside in it, he didn't care how cold it was!  He didn't seem to care that I was freezing.  That's my boy!

As you can tell, he is all boy.  Just to be outside, no matter the temperature, he is thrilled to no end.  He would live outside if Barry and I would let him.......that I'm sure of.  Silly goose!

When I told him it was time to go in, he was NOT happy.  He didn't care that he was almost frozen, he just wanted to stay outside playing.  He said, " Just one more sang ma ma."  I said "What one more thing?"  He said, "I got to cwean up my side.  Ist got snow on it."  How funny is that?  Anything he can say, to keep me outside just a little bit longer is worth it to him.  When you think about it, kids are really so easy to please.  They just love the simple things in life and their parents attention.  That is all they care about.  As long as they get our attention, they are happy.  They have no worries and no complaints in life.  They just want to know they are loved and taken care of and I am SOOOOOO willing to do those things.  Oh what it would be like to just be a kid again!  How fun that would be.