Sunday, February 26, 2012

Our Fun Filled DMH Get-Together

Well yesterday we got together with our good friends, Dan, Angel and Katie and Roger, Deana, Ryan and Reid.  We all had a good time eating and visiting.  Nothing is better than awesome food and company to share it with.  We plan a get-together at least three times a year, but the last couple of years, it hasn't always worked out where we could actually all get together at the same time.  It seems like every time we plan a get-together of all three families, one of our kids gets sick or something else in life happens.  So I was thrilled we could all attend this time!

Each of us has a child that is around the same age, so it's fun to watch the children interact with one another.  Sometimes they play with each other, sometimes they play by themselves.  Other times, they just fight over toys or argue.  Whatever they do though, I love to watch them and take pictures.  Kids love the simplest things in life, such as jumping on the trampoline.  They all took their turn with jumping on it.  Here are some pictures:

Then Katie and Colton decided they would roll the ball to one another.  They had fun playing that for a little while at least.  I'm glad they are finally at an age where they can interact better with one another and actually play together and not just play by themselves. 

What was so cute is this next picture of Katie.  She was really telling Colton exactly how it was and how to do it , just like a woman does most of the time to a man.  I found it hilarious!  That picture to me is worth a thousand words.

Next, Katie and Ryan decided they wanted to draw and color.  They both did a wonderful job and most of all had fun doing it.  They had their mini M&M's to help give them the energy to complete their activity too!  All poor Colton wanted to do was take a sticker out of the Thomas the Train Activity book.  So I told him he could have just one, since this boy is a sticker-a-holic, you have to be sure and tell him........just one.

I think we all had a great time visiting and eating, I know I did.  This get-together was well worth the wait to me.  The food was wonderful, and what else can I say but I have more good friends that can cook good food!!!!!  Nothing is better than that.  As you can see below, we had an escape artist in the bunch.  I think Ryan was trying to tell us all..........GUYS, IT'S TIME TO GO HOME NOW!  How cute is that.  He was actually trying to get downstairs to retrieve a lost ball, but it sounds so much better with "escape artist" as the story line, doesn't it?  HA HA.

Overall, I just want to tell you, I consider this time that we get together good therapy for me.  It's nice to be able to chat with other moms that have children around the same age and find out we are all going through the same challenges.  We can offer each other some good advice or just provide a good listening ear.  It's also just nice to be able to sit back, relax and share our funny moments about our children growing up.  I just want to say, I'm thankful to have good friends.

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