Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Toddler Singing Boys

Colton’s younger cousin, Noah, who is two and a half years old, is the more quiet one of the two boys.  Since they attend the same church and go the same babysitter, they are together quite a bit.  One of the most precious things is they are able to sing together in church.  Nothing is more sweeter than watching a two and three year old sing a special together.  Everyone in our church enjoys that, we all love to watch them take part. 

Let me first start with Noah and give you some background on this little man.  He has had an awesome vocabulary since the age of two.  He started talking way before that, but by the age of two, he was singing a special in church by himself.  His special song is, “The Lighthouse”, which he knows word for word.  This boy can sing the entire song all the way through and be such a blessing to everyone.  It is the sweetest thing to watch.  He will walk up on the platform, stand by his mommy, hold the microphone and sing this song through to the very end without missing a word.  ADORABLE! 

Then there is Colton.  My little guy, on the other hand, is like a firecracker in church.  He gets up to sing a song and can’t hold still.  He has, what my mom calls, ants in his pants.  There was never a more truer saying than that. 

Let me begin with how Colton gets ready to sing a special in church.  He walks (runs some of the time) up on the platform, gets the microphone and stands in place when the music starts.  (This is always where I get excited each time he sings because I keep thinking that this will be the day that he sings the entire song all the way through).  He starts out singing the first few lines of the song pretty good, then something happens.  He starts swaying from side to side, his feet come alive, they start moving quite a bit, when all of a sudden, his feet are moving so fast that he’s doing something that resembles dancing.  Sometimes he even twirls once or twice.  At least through all of this, he's still singing some of the words to the song.  That is my precious little guy.  Unfortunately, he’s just like me as a child…………very, very hyperactive.  He can't hold still for any period of time, no matter what he's doing.

When the boys actually sing together, they do pretty good.  They both get their microphones and start singing loud.  The last few times they've sang in church together, they seem to be singing with all that is within them.  Too cute to watch two little toddler boys sing praises to the Lord.

As you can tell in my description above of the two boys, their singing manners are quite different when they sing solos.  They are both a blessing to our church though, we wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.  Me, being a mother to a boy that actively wants to participate in church, however the manner may be sometimes, loves every minute.  There is nothing more precious to me than knowing my son loves to sing in a church that encourages everyone, no matter the age, to participate.   I LOVE IT!

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