Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I Am Thankful

Barry and Colton were playing some catch tonight inside the house with his baseball glove he received from his Grandma Sharon this past Christmas.  This glove has been a hit from the get go.  Anytime he can convince Barry or me to play with him, he is all over that like stink on poo (I know that's probably not the greatest analogy in the world but what can I say, that is Barry's favorite saying and he is rubbing off on me a little bit too much).

Anyways, back to my story, Colton just loves to play.  I love his little smile.  To me, it's the most precious in the world.  When he laughs or giggles, it causes me to laugh and giggle too.  It's contagious!  Being a parent is the greatest thing in the world.

I keep telling myself.........."Stop..........Breathe..........Relax..........Take all of this in.  Don't let the little things like this in life pass you by."

I know I have to enjoy these moments while they last, because they won't last forever.  Shoot, I know they won't even last through the entire evening, because before long he'll be crying, fussing or pouting since he'll have to calm down and go to bed.

Oh the Joys of Toddler-hood!  Their tantrums, their throwing themselves in the floor to try to get their way, their pouting when you tell them no, their crying over who knows what sometimes, their continuous whining when they don't get the toy in the store they wanted.............I could go on and on and on, you know I could.

Sometimes it's crazy, sometimes I don't think I'll make it through, sometimes it's all I can do to NOT pull all of my hair out, but you know, when it really comes down to it...................at the end of the day, that's just part of being a family, I wouldn't change any of it.  I love this life God gave me.  For all of this, I AM THANKFUL.

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