Monday, January 30, 2012

Fresh New Hair Cut

Colton posing for a picture with him puckering his little lips
Nana came over for a visit and got roped into giving Colton his much needed hair cut.  She really didn't get roped into it, she has given him all of his hair cuts throughout his little lifetime.  She loves every minute of it, I can't say the same for Colton though, he hates hair cutting time.  Although he is getting a little bit better as time goes on and he grows up a little more each day. 

His hair was getting so long that it was almost covering his ears, so he really needed one.  I can't even believe how big he is getting.  It's just unbelievable.  It seems like one day you are rocking them to sleep with their bottle or ba ba (as Colton used to call it) and the next day, you are getting them milk in their big boy cups.

What else can I say, but that they grow up way too fast!!!!

I mean come on, where does the time go?

How can this be happening so quickly?

How can we stop time and just keep them little?

Does anyone have the answer to these UNKNOWN questions?

I hate this.  I ask these questions every time he gets a hair cut, because after he gets a hair cut, he looks so much bigger.  He gets that much closer to becoming a full grown little boy, no longer my little toddler.  This definitely makes me sad.  :(