Sunday, January 29, 2012

Hang on Tight, Here it Goes.........

This is extremely new to me, so please bear with me as I try to write about my family life.  I hope to share some interesting experiences, thoughts, ideas and also share some old time family recipes along the way.  Just know that I'm no great author, so I won't be dumb-founding you with large words that you don't understand.  I'm just a very simple person.  I like to tell it how it is without sugar coating anything.

Why not just be totally honest about life?

I just want to be real, upfront and honest with people.  My philosophy is to treat people the way you want to be treated, so I think why not carry that into the "blogging world" too?

Blog about what is real to you.  I believe people will read it, even possibly enjoy it and come back for more because they believe in what you are writing about.

I want people to be honest with their blogging and hold nothing back, so that's how I want to blog.  I want to give what I want to receive.  Am I even making any sense?

I just think we all get caught up in this crazy, fast paced world sometimes and try to fit in a little bit too much, so we end up changing who we really are.  We sometimes try to go along with the flow, instead of trying to paddle against the current.  Let's not do that, let's just be who we are.

I can admit it gracefully, I'm just a simple wife and mother trying to survive in a great big world.  Come along with me on this great blogging adventure.

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