Sunday, January 29, 2012

This Too Shall Pass

For the last few days me, my husband, and my son have all been sick.  My son, unfortunately, came down with it first.  He started with the typical runny nose that a three year old frequently gets, then it turned into stuffy nose, head hurting, aches and pain, then some laying around and wanting to be held by his mama.

Next, I acquired it.  Same symptoms.........except I had gripey-ness in place of  laying around and wanting to be held.

Finally, my husband got it.  Same symptoms as my son and I except he had whiney-ness attached with wanting sympathy in a BIG way.

Isn't it funny how each of us had the exact same sickness, but we all reacted in very different ways?

My son just wanted to feel safe, comforted and be held close to his ma ma........there is nobody like your mommy when you are three.  For that matter, there is no one like your ma ma at any age.

I just turned into the "big grouchy bear" we all know ourselves to be at least once or twice in our lives.  I can be honest about that.  I can't help it, I just wanted to be left alone.  I have this crazy thought in my head that I think if I can just take enough medicine and get enough rest, I'll recooperate faster and be able to return to my motherly/wifely duties.  What was I thinking?

My husband, well...... he just turned into a big baby that needed extra special attention from me, his wife and wanted to be waited on.

Long story short, thank goodness we are all finally on the road to recovery, it's been a LONG four days now, but I think we are going to survive.  Thank the good Lord above once again!

Through all of this, there is an old saying that comes to my mind..........."This too (meaning sickness in this particular case) will pass".

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