Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Check List

Colton made a list of things for him and his daddy to do while Barry was home.  They headed outside after breakfast while I cleaned up the kitchen to get started.  When I finally got outside, this is what I found...........twinkies with their matching funny boys.  They had already mowed the lawn and Colton was wanting to ride the big 4-wheeler.
Colton settled on riding his gator while daddy got the big 4-wheeler started...........
Next, they immediately got started on the first thing on Colton's was number one on the list...............
Fishing soon turned into Colton's favorite thing.................throwing rocks in the water........Colton said the fishies like it(yah right).  He's trying to find the best rock......................
He's getting ready to throw it.....................
He throws it as hard as he can......................
And it makes a big splash.........................
He's very proud of himself............................
He's getting ready to throw another stone.....................
What a funny boy.  When I finally left to head home, I had to get one last picture of my boys together.............
When the boys finally got home from fishing, Colton told his daddy, fishing.......check, riding the 4-wheeler.......check, mowing the lawn........check, playing in the playhouse.........check.  He was telling daddy what all was finally checked off his list.  The remaining items on the list are: fighting, boxing, wrestling and shooting nerf guns.

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