Saturday, September 8, 2012

Labor Day 2012

Our Labor Day was spent at mom's house this year.  We went over for lunch, visiting and letting the boys drive.  They both brought their own trucks this year.  See below:
They are so cute anymore.  Not only can they carry on their own conversation with each other, but they can also drive around together.  Funny!  Colton loves being close with Noah, so he kept wanting to ride in Noah's truck.  It's funny to me that he would rather ride with Noah than drive his own Gator.
They had a lot of fun together.  Don't get me wrong, their were moments of crying and fit throwing, but they also had a blast!  Most of the time, Noah would be the lead truck, but he kept checking behind to make sure Colton was coming.
He loves his cousin.  At times, they just acted like little old men, they had to stop and show each other what they had in their trucks.  Noah was smart, he would park in the shade.  It was really hot that day.  Colton found that the key his Gator came with actually came out, so he kept pulling it out when he would get out of it to ride with Noah.

They are just funny.  Finally it got too hot outside, so we decided it was time to come in.  Plus the boys needed a nap!  After nap time, the boys played with my new phone.  It had some funny apps on it, so Colton was showing them to Noah and they were both just cracking up at times.  They were both making me laugh, so I had to snap some pictures of them having such a good time in the chair together.  They were simply hilarious to watch.
We finally went home and my two boys got to get in some snuggle time together before daddy had to go back to work.  We already miss daddy!

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