Saturday, September 22, 2012


Today mom and I were serenaded by Colton in the car ride to get her oil changed.  His new favorite song to sing is "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".  He sings it so sweetly, it's absolutely adorable in his little baby voice!  He can actually stay on tune through the entire song, which is great.  He might still yet be a truly good singer after all!

He's always sang in church, but sometimes he's not on key.  I was truly impressed today when he actually sang "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" all the way through and hit every note!

However, this is the way Colton sings "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"'s truly his own version.

Chwinkle Chwinkle Littwl Star
How I Wonder What You Are
Up Above The World So High
Like A Diamond Has The Sky
Twinkle Twinkle Littwl Star
How I Wonder What You Are
Up Above The World So High
Like A Diamond Has The Sky
Chwinkle Chwinkle Littwl Star
How I Wonder What You Are
Up Above The World So High
Like A Diamond Has The Sky
Chwinkle Chwinkle Littwl Star
How I Wonder What You Are

............................and he just keeps going and going and going.  We could not get through to him that the ending line of the song was to end with "How I Wonder What You Are".  He just kept singing it over and over and over.  He also sings the one line with his own interpretaion of "Like A Diamond Has The Sky" instead of "Like A Diamond In The Sky".  Plus he still can't say his letter "L" quite right, he says them with a "W" sound and his letters "Tw" like "Chw".  My funny little guy.

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