Thursday, September 27, 2012

Mens And Boys

For the last three days, Colton has had some of his toys laying in the floor like they are sleeping with covers.  He had them all lined up in a row with his old baby blankies placed gently over all of them.  When he ran out of his old blankies, he started using his Spiderman washcloths.  Take a look.........

Tonight Barry is coming home, so I told Colton that he needed to pick up his dolls before daddy got home.  I didn't want Barry to trip and fall over them.  Well Colton informed me with his hands on his hips and a very stern adult look on his face that they were NOT dolls........they were "MENS AND BOYS".........goodness gracious, what in the world was I thinking?  Get it right mom!  Lesson learned!

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