Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I Am Thankful

Barry and Colton were playing some catch tonight inside the house with his baseball glove he received from his Grandma Sharon this past Christmas.  This glove has been a hit from the get go.  Anytime he can convince Barry or me to play with him, he is all over that like stink on poo (I know that's probably not the greatest analogy in the world but what can I say, that is Barry's favorite saying and he is rubbing off on me a little bit too much).

Anyways, back to my story, Colton just loves to play.  I love his little smile.  To me, it's the most precious in the world.  When he laughs or giggles, it causes me to laugh and giggle too.  It's contagious!  Being a parent is the greatest thing in the world.

I keep telling myself.........."Stop..........Breathe..........Relax..........Take all of this in.  Don't let the little things like this in life pass you by."

I know I have to enjoy these moments while they last, because they won't last forever.  Shoot, I know they won't even last through the entire evening, because before long he'll be crying, fussing or pouting since he'll have to calm down and go to bed.

Oh the Joys of Toddler-hood!  Their tantrums, their throwing themselves in the floor to try to get their way, their pouting when you tell them no, their crying over who knows what sometimes, their continuous whining when they don't get the toy in the store they wanted.............I could go on and on and on, you know I could.

Sometimes it's crazy, sometimes I don't think I'll make it through, sometimes it's all I can do to NOT pull all of my hair out, but you know, when it really comes down to it...................at the end of the day, that's just part of being a family, I wouldn't change any of it.  I love this life God gave me.  For all of this, I AM THANKFUL.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Fresh New Hair Cut

Colton posing for a picture with him puckering his little lips
Nana came over for a visit and got roped into giving Colton his much needed hair cut.  She really didn't get roped into it, she has given him all of his hair cuts throughout his little lifetime.  She loves every minute of it, I can't say the same for Colton though, he hates hair cutting time.  Although he is getting a little bit better as time goes on and he grows up a little more each day. 

His hair was getting so long that it was almost covering his ears, so he really needed one.  I can't even believe how big he is getting.  It's just unbelievable.  It seems like one day you are rocking them to sleep with their bottle or ba ba (as Colton used to call it) and the next day, you are getting them milk in their big boy cups.

What else can I say, but that they grow up way too fast!!!!

I mean come on, where does the time go?

How can this be happening so quickly?

How can we stop time and just keep them little?

Does anyone have the answer to these UNKNOWN questions?

I hate this.  I ask these questions every time he gets a hair cut, because after he gets a hair cut, he looks so much bigger.  He gets that much closer to becoming a full grown little boy, no longer my little toddler.  This definitely makes me sad.  :(

New Piggy Bank

When we went shopping at Target, we were not is search of a new piggy bank.  We were there to buy some much needed pull-ups for my 3 yr old son, Colton.  However, we were walking up and down the aisles after grabbing the pull-ups just to see if there was anything else we might need.  You know how that is.

All of a sudden, I hear, "Look mama, it's a piggy."  There sat this little ceramic Football Piggy Bank on the fourth row down of a shelf right in exact eye sight view for a 39 1/2 inch tall, little 3 year old boy.

Department stores really know what they are doing, don't they?  They know exactly where to place these items that will get those little tots attention.

Anyways, it was hook, line and sinker after that for me.  That sweet, little innocent face tilting to the side, asking if he could have that piggy bank said it all............sure enough, today...........we were purchasing that little Football Piggy Bank.  I just thank the good Lord above that it was on sale!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

This Too Shall Pass

For the last few days me, my husband, and my son have all been sick.  My son, unfortunately, came down with it first.  He started with the typical runny nose that a three year old frequently gets, then it turned into stuffy nose, head hurting, aches and pain, then some laying around and wanting to be held by his mama.

Next, I acquired it.  Same symptoms.........except I had gripey-ness in place of  laying around and wanting to be held.

Finally, my husband got it.  Same symptoms as my son and I except he had whiney-ness attached with wanting sympathy in a BIG way.

Isn't it funny how each of us had the exact same sickness, but we all reacted in very different ways?

My son just wanted to feel safe, comforted and be held close to his ma ma........there is nobody like your mommy when you are three.  For that matter, there is no one like your ma ma at any age.

I just turned into the "big grouchy bear" we all know ourselves to be at least once or twice in our lives.  I can be honest about that.  I can't help it, I just wanted to be left alone.  I have this crazy thought in my head that I think if I can just take enough medicine and get enough rest, I'll recooperate faster and be able to return to my motherly/wifely duties.  What was I thinking?

My husband, well...... he just turned into a big baby that needed extra special attention from me, his wife and wanted to be waited on.

Long story short, thank goodness we are all finally on the road to recovery, it's been a LONG four days now, but I think we are going to survive.  Thank the good Lord above once again!

Through all of this, there is an old saying that comes to my mind..........."This too (meaning sickness in this particular case) will pass".

Hang on Tight, Here it Goes.........

This is extremely new to me, so please bear with me as I try to write about my family life.  I hope to share some interesting experiences, thoughts, ideas and also share some old time family recipes along the way.  Just know that I'm no great author, so I won't be dumb-founding you with large words that you don't understand.  I'm just a very simple person.  I like to tell it how it is without sugar coating anything.

Why not just be totally honest about life?

I just want to be real, upfront and honest with people.  My philosophy is to treat people the way you want to be treated, so I think why not carry that into the "blogging world" too?

Blog about what is real to you.  I believe people will read it, even possibly enjoy it and come back for more because they believe in what you are writing about.

I want people to be honest with their blogging and hold nothing back, so that's how I want to blog.  I want to give what I want to receive.  Am I even making any sense?

I just think we all get caught up in this crazy, fast paced world sometimes and try to fit in a little bit too much, so we end up changing who we really are.  We sometimes try to go along with the flow, instead of trying to paddle against the current.  Let's not do that, let's just be who we are.

I can admit it gracefully, I'm just a simple wife and mother trying to survive in a great big world.  Come along with me on this great blogging adventure.

My Very First Post

Hello everyone!

...................and so my blogging adventure begins.