Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas 2012

We woke up at 8:00AM all excited for Colton to open his presents.  Since Barry wasn't home, we were able to Skype so daddy could watch little man open his gifts and participate in our Christmas morning.  We miss him so much when he's gone!
After he opened some of his gifts and we visited with daddy some, then it was off to Nana's house for Christmas lunch.  This was my content little man before everyone else arrived at Nana's house.........
I couldn't pass up taking a picture of our table centerpiece that mom had, it was beautiful!
When everyone arrived, we ate lunch and boy was it every yummy!  We were all stuffed, there was so much food.  Finally after lunch Colton and Noah were able to open their gifts and then play, play, play.....................................
Thank goodness Nana bought them the exact same gift this year, that way there was no fussing or fighting over who was playing with what toy.  These two cousins act like brothers more than they do cousins, but with only 10 months apart in age, I guess that's what happens.  The boys both received superheroes for their Christmas presents.............Colton had Hulk and Iron Man and Noah had Spiderman.  Those boys played for hours with their superheroes..............
While the adults were visiting, the boys took a nap.  Once they woke up, we then decided we wanted more food in our bellies, so we ate some more, then once we were stuffed, we were ready to take it easy on the couches.  After we visited a little more, we all decided it was time to go home.  We all needed our rest since we had to go back to work tomorrow.  This was our Christmas Day 2012......................wouldn't have missed it for anything.

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