Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Optimus Prime Visit

The night all the family was over at our house with the kids sword fighting, Gabe decided he'd put on Colton's Transformers Optimus Prime Helmet and suprise the kids.  With this helmet you are able to talk through it in a robotic sounding Transformer voice........which is somewhat scary sounding.  He thought the kids would get a kick out of getting a visit from the well-liked Transformer Optimus Prime.
Turns out...................they didn't find it so funny.  They were scared to death when he began to talk.  I wasn't fast enough to get any other pictures of the kids reactions, because they were running scared, crying and screaming...........he had to take the helmet off fast and show them it was just Uncle Gabe.  Then Colton and Noah wanted to try the helmet on themselves, so here are their pictures with the helmet on.

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