Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My Little Spiderman

Well Colton and I were talking about going to the zoo later this week with our good friends, Angel and Katie.  Kids get to dress up in their Halloween costumes and can get candy and also see some of the animals at the zoo.  He is really excited to go and asked me what he was going to dress up in and I told him his Thomas the Train outfit.  Oh my goodness......you would've thought the world had come to an end.  He didn't want to even hear of that!!  He informed me that he wanted to be Spiderman this year.  He went on to tell me where he even saw the Spiderman costume that he wanted.......of course it was at..........Wal-Mart.  Next, he proceeded to tell me he knew exactly where it was if I could just drive him up to Wal-Mart he would show me.  Funny boy.  We then called daddy to tell him what he wanted and of course Barry told me to go get it for him.  If he wanted to be Spiderman for Halloween, then that's what he would be.  This is what we came home with today.......
My Little Spiderman!

He wore that outfit all day long...............then he turned into my sleeping Spiderman.................

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