Friday, November 23, 2012


We went over to mom's house for Thanksgiving.  We had so much good food this year,  We had turkey, mashed taters and gravy, stuffing, corn, green beans, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce and rolls.  The best part was the desserts, we had a ton to choose from........pumpkin pie, pecan pie bars, cheesecake with strawberry topping and upside down pineapple cake with caramel topping that is delicious!!!!  Just take a peek........
Colton and Noah had their own table this year............
After lunch we went to the living room to visit and play.  Daddy and Colton were playing in the floor.
This cracked me up....................... I couldn't pass up this picture of Ashley really telling Gabe just how it was..................... tee hee................
I was really thankful for another Wonderful Thanksgiving.

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